Her har du verdensberømte "Crêpes Suzette"!!! Tynne, franske pannekaker ("Crêpes") dynket i karamellisert, varm appelsinsmørsaus, pyntet med revet appelsinskall, overhelt med deilig appelsinlikør (Grand Marnier) og deretter flambert ved bordet! Opphavet er omdiskutert, men den berømte franske kokken Henri Charpentier har i sin biografi hevdet at det var han selv som kom på idéen da han i 1895 som 15-åring serverte Prinsen av Wales, senere kong Edward VII, ved "Café de Paris" i Monte Carlo. Prinsen hadde ankommet caféen sammen med en gjeng på 18 menn og en ung jente ved navn Suzette. Prinsen oppførte seg som den perfekte gentleman (historien sier at han var særdeles glad i damer). Henri var nervøs og ved en feil satte han fyr på desserten. Han skriver "It was quite by accident as I worked in front of a chafing dish that the cordials caught fire. I thought it was ruined. The Prince and his friends were waiting. How could I begin all over? I tasted it. It was, I thought, the most delicious melody of sweet flavors I had ever tasted. I still think so. That accident of the flame was precisely what was needed to bring all those various instruments into one harmony of taste... He ate the pancakes with a fork; but he used a spoon to capture the remaining syrup. He asked me the name of that which he had eaten with so much relish. I told him it was to be called "Crêpes Princesse". He recognized that the pancake controlled the gender and that this was a compliment designed for him; but he protested with mock ferocity that there was a lady present. She was alert and rose to her feet and holding her little skirt wide with her hands she made him a curtsey. 'Will you,' said His Majesty, 'change "Crêpes Princesse" to "Crêpes Suzette"?' Thus was born and baptized this confection, one taste of which, I really believe, would reform a cannibal into a civilized gentleman. The next day I received a present from the Prince, a jeweled ring, a panama hat and a cane."
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