"I have great belief in the fact that whenever there is chaos, it creates wonderful thinking. I consider chaos a gift." (Septima Clark) Ja, litt uro og kaos i livet kan ha sin misjon, selv om vi vel alle helst vil slippe unna de største rystelsene... "Earthquake Cake" ("Jordskjelvkake") er en berømt, amerikansk kake, som ser kaotisk ut, som om den hadde vært utsatt for et jordskjelv. Men den smaker HIMMELSK! Her er en omtale fra en nettside der kaken ble kåret til vinner i en kakekonkurranse: "Earthquake Cake is not what you would call pleasing to the eye -- here's why: The cake batter is poured into a pan, and the cream cheese and powdered sugar are combined and spooned over the cake batter. When the cake is baking, the cream cheese mixture sinks into the cake, making cracks and crevices throughout; hence the name "Earthquake Cake". What can you say about a chocolate cake with gobs of cream cheese, nuts and coconut? Only this -- absolutely delicious!"